BÜRGERSCHAFT DER FREIEN UND HANSESTADT HAMBURG Drucksache 21/11781 21. Wahlperiode 02.02.18 Schriftliche Kleine Anfrage des Abgeordneten Martin Dolzer (DIE LINKE) vom 26.01.18 und Antwort des Senats Betr.: Mecon-Konferenz am 15.11.2017 In einer Terminaufzählung des Magazins „FOCUS“ vom 15.11.2017 heißt es (https://www.focus.de/regional/hamburg/hamburg-meldung-vom-15-11- 2017_id_7852308.html): „20:00 SAS Radisson Blu, Marseiller Str. 2 Senator Frank Horch ist zu Gast auf der Mecon-Konferenz.“ Weitere Berichte über diese Konferenz sind in der Presse nicht zu finden. Vor diesem Hintergrund frage ich den Senat: 1. In welcher Form hat Senator Horch als Gast an dieser Konferenz teilgenommen ? a) War Senator Horch in seiner Funktion als Senator eingeladen? b) Hat Senator Horch ein Grußwort oder Referat gehalten? c) Hat Senator Horch an sämtlichen Podien/Workshops oder nur an einem speziellen Podium/Workshop teilgenommen? (Bitte einzeln mit Benennung der Themen und Art der Teilnahme aufzählen.) Der Präses der Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation (BWVI) war in seiner Funktion als Senator eingeladen und hielt in diesem Zusammenhang am 21. November 2017 ein Grußwort zur Eröffnung der Konferenz. 2. Was war das Thema der Konferenz? Das Thema der Konferenz war Navy 4.0. 3. Wie viele Podien, Workshops und weitere Ereignisse fanden im Rahmen der Konferenz statt? (Bitte einzeln mit Nennung der Themen auflisten.) Siehe Anlage. 4. Waren neben Senator Horch weitere Vertreter/-innen von Hamburger Behörden oder des Senates eingeladen oder haben solche an der Konferenz als Gast oder Redner/in teilgenommen? Wenn ja, bitte einzeln die Art der Teilnahme an den jeweiligen Ereignissen der Konferenz auflisten. Der Senator wurde von einem Mitarbeiter begleitet. Monday, 20th November 2017 Set-up of Industry Exhibition and pre-registration at Hotel Radisson Blu Departure of busses to: Meet & Greet at the International Maritime Museum for all registered participants in MECON 2017 (Koreastr. 1, 20457 Hamburg) Tuesday, 21st November 2017 Arrival and registration (Radisson Blu Hotel, Marseiller Str. 2, 20355 Hamburg) Room "New York": MECON 2017 opening Welcome by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Dr. Rolf Wirtz, Chairman of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Address by Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Senator Frank Horch, Department of Economics, Transport and Innovation, Government office in Hamburg Address by German Navy Vice Admiral Rainer Brinkmann, Deputy Chief of German Navy and Commander in Chief German Fleet Break Key note - “German Navy 4.0” - The German Navy on its way into the future Captain (N) Christian Walter Meyer, Head of Concepts Branch, Plans and Policy/Concepts Directorate engineering.tomorrow.together. All engines full ahead at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Mr. Thomas Keupp, Head of Sales, Marketing & Campaigns Opportunity to visit the exhibition Lunch Drucksache 21/11781 Bürgerschaft der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg – 21. Wahlperiode 2 Anlage Room "Sydney": Room "New York": Room "Shanghai": Session 1 System Design Chairman: Mr. Karsten Möller Session 2 Engineering/ Construction Chairman: Dr. Björn Weidemann Session 3 Operations & Support – Services Processes Chairman: Mr. Hanspeter Hartmann thyssenkrupp Marine Systems‘ Approach to Sustainable System Design thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Dr. Wolfgang Sichermann Head of Research and Development Meeting customer requirements by digitalization in Engineering and Construction thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Mr. Yngvar Frodell Head of Shipyard Management The Weakest Link? The Role of Logistics Engineering in Integrated Life Cycle Management thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Mr. Martin Rütten Project Manager ILS Enterprise Architecture and MBSE as a Critical Enabler for Industry and Navy 4.0 No Magic Mr. Barry Papke Director of Professional Services (North America) Industry 4.0 – Applied and future solutions for shipyard´s production IGP Fraunhofer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin-Christoph Wanner Professor Simulation based Crew Training for future surface combatants Rheinmetall Electronics Mr. Florian Zimmer International Sales Manager, Maritime Simulation Digitalization in Marine Industry Siemens Industry Mr. Bert Geisler Head of Marine Center of Excellence Germany High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations of Shock against Naval Platforms IABG Industrieanlagen Betriebsgesellschaft mbH Dr. Don Wu Head of Department Creating long-term sustainable solutions using digital transformation as enabler Thales Nederland Mr. René de Jongh Strategy and Marketing Director Coffee break Don’t Miss the Human Factor - Mission Optimized Lighting LINKSrechts GmbH Mr. Uwe Hoven Managing Director Digital Twin for System Integration and Testing DNV GL Mr. Rune Green Head of Section, Projects and Products Marine Cybernetics Advisory LOTE for MEKO® Type of Naval Vesels - Procedure and Experience DNV GL Dr. Olaf Doerk Head of Department Utilization of enhanced design strategies to improve propulsion performance Andritz Hydro – Escher Wyss Propellers Dr. Carsten Herrmannn Head of Design CPP Ship lift facility TTS Synchrolift Mr. Rolf-Atle Tomassen Managing Director The digital transformation of elevator service thyssenkrupp Elevator Mr. Martin Hochheuser Head of Research & IP Management Virtual Prototyping of fully appended Naval Vessels for hull form optimization and reliable power prediction thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Mrs. Tanja Richardt Project Engineer (Research and Development) End of session . . Bürgerschaft der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg – 21. Wahlperiode Drucksache 21/11781 3 Wednesday, 22nd November 2017 Room "New York": Operations today, and into the future: The upgrade journey of the Royal Australian Navy ANZAC Class Australia Royal Australian Navy Captain Michael Turner, CSM and Bar, RAN – Surface Combatant Group Capability Manager’s Representative The RNZN Anzac Ship (MEKO® 200 ANZ) – Part of a Versatile Navy. Royal New Zealand Navy Commander Kelvin Wishart, Chief of Staff, Logistics Command (Maritime), and Commander Phillip Eagle, Capability Integration Lead Midlife upgrade of the South African Valour Class Frigates South African Navy Captain Graham Walker, Senior Staff Officer Above Water Warfare, Directorate Maritime Warfare: SA Navy Headquarters Coffee break – opportunity to visit the exhibition Shaping the German Navy’s Future Fleet - Current procurement projects and in-service upgrades German Navy Commander (s.g.) BEng Volkrad Kaphengst, German Naval Headquarters, Technical Branch Modularity and Adaptability in Future U.S. Navy Ship Designs U.S. Navy Dr. Norbert Doerry, Technical Director, Technology Group, Naval Sea Systems Command Evolution of excellence and adaptability- the MEKO® Family of Ships thyssenkrupp Marine Systems RAdm. (Ret.) Jonathan Kamerman, Head of Strategic Sales Lunch Room "Sydney": Room "Sao Paulo": Room "New York": Room "Shanghai": Session 1 Platform Design/ Technologies Chairman: Dr. Hans-Dieter Ehrenberg Session 2a Combat System Design/ Technologies Sensors and Mission Systems Chairman: Mr. Piotr Malecki Session 2b Combat System Design/ Technologies Weapons and Ammunition Chairman: Mr. Andreas Grudda Session 3 Operations & Support – Services Products Chairman: Mr. Knut Baumann thyssenkrupp Marine Systems‘ new developments for surface combatant platform technologies thyssenkrupp Marine System Dr.-Ing. Markus Druckenbrod Senior Manager Mechanical Engineering Room "New York": thyssenkrupp Marine Systems‘ Impulse – Combat System Engineering thyssenkrupp Marine System Dr. Martin Jaensch Senior Manager Engineering Combat Systems At your Service – Services@thyssenkrupp Marine Systems thyssenkrupp Marine System Mr. Martin Rütten Project Manager ILS Mr. Markus Schuppert Head of Training Integrated Platform Management System of the Future L3 MAPPS Mr. Olaf Knutson Director, Marketing and Sales Concept for a future Combat Management System ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Mr. Rolf Müller Head of Product Management and Sales CMS Combination of Capabilities in the Close in Weapon Scenario Rheinmetall Weapon Munition Mr. Alexander Graf Vice President Staying Alive – The Challenge of Keeping a System Operational for 30 Years Plus ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Mr. Andreas Lonkai Head of Product Management and Sales SERVICES Division Drucksache 21/11781 Bürgerschaft der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg – 21. Wahlperiode 4 Large fuel cell systems for naval applications thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Mr. Keno Leites Project Manager Future Naval Radar Systems Hensoldt Sensors GmbH Mr. Markus Rothmaier Head of Naval & Ground Radars Laser Weapon as a complementary effector in naval self defence MBDA DEU Dr. Markus Martinstetter Sales Manager Laser Weapon Systems MEKO® modernizations make navies think smarter, act faster Thales Nederland Mr Joris Janssen Lok Marketing Manager Coffee break GE Marine Gas Turbine Propulsion for Frigates GE’s Marine Solutions Vincenzo Di Leva Sales Europe Integrated ASW Suite – the next step in underwater warfare ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Mr. Sascha Würker Product Manager Anti- Submarine-Warfare Vessel Systems Guided ammunitions: the future for medium and large calibers naval guns Leonardo Defence Systems Mr. Marco Brogi Marketing & Sales Manager - Naval Systems and Ammunition Marine 4.0 - Condition Monitoring for the future Siemens Industry Mr. Patrick Müller Product Manager Electrical Propulsion – From Power Generation to the electric motor Wärtsila SAM electronics Mr. Uwe Heine Senior Manager Power Conversion, Chief Technologist Naval Electronic Warfare – Detect.React.Survive. Indra Sistemas S.A. Mr. Manuel Rodriguez Cerezo Business Development Director for the Defence and Security Market for Platforms and Europe Changing the ASW Paradigm – Introducing the SeaSpider® Anti- Torpedo-Torpedo ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Mr. Thorsten Bochentin Director Business Development Underwater Warfare Additive manufacturing in naval new building and services business thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Mr. Christoph Klein Strategic Buyer / Procurement Engineer Change of session rooms Room "New York": thyssenkrupp Marine Systems’ future vision on naval surface vessels – MEKO® 5.0 thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Mr. Jens Ballé Senior Manager Project Design End of conference Thursday, 23rd November 2017 Day at sea on German Frigate Class 125 (Navy delegates only) Departure from Radisson Blu Hotel, Hamburg Boarding Frigate NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN (Navy Base Kiel) Program on board incl. tours of the ships, exercises and lunch End of Day at Sea Transfer back to Hamburg Arrival at Hamburg Bürgerschaft der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg – 21. Wahlperiode Drucksache 21/11781 5 11781ska_Text 11781ska_Anlage