14.01.2016 Drucksache 6/1621Thüringer LandTag 6. Wahlperiode Druck: Thüringer Landtag, 29. Januar 2016 Qualitätssicherung bei der Bereitstellung von Thüringer Daten-Downloaddiensten gemäß der INSPIRE-Richtlinie Die Kleine Anfrage 581 vom 12. Oktober 2015 hat folgenden Wortlaut: Der Zeitplan zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2007/2/EG zur Schaffung einer Geodateninfrastruktur in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (INSPIRE) sieht seit dem 28. Dezember 2012 die Bereitstellung von Downloadund Transformationsdiensten unter Einhaltung aller in der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1088/2010 festgelegten Anforderungen vor. Hierunter fällt auch die grundsätzliche Konformität zu den Standards des World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) oder des Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Vor dem Hintergrund einer gemeinsamen europäischen Umweltpolitik ist die Interoperabilität der oben genannten Dienste von zentraler Bedeutung. Im Kontext der Bereitstellung und der damit verbundenen Berücksichtigung von technischen und qualitativen Anforderungen an die Thüringer Downloaddienste gab Frau Ministerin Keller am 10. September 2015 in der Beantwortung der Mündlichen Anfrage in Drucksache 6/959 die folgenden Dienste bekannt: (1) www.geoproxy.geoportal-th.de (2) www.geoproxv.qeoportal-th.de/inspire-dl (Die Fragen beziehen sich auf eine Konformitätsüberprüfung beider Dienste vom 1. Oktober 2015. Der unter (1) aufgeführte Dienst wurde gemäß den WFS 2.0 Spezifikationen getestet.) Ich frage die Landesregierung: 1. Aus welchem Grund wird von der seit 2010 bestehenden OGC-Regelung (OGC 09-048r3), was die Angabe des Koordinatenreferenzsystems betrifft, im WFS-2.0 Capabilities-Dokuments des unter (1) aufgeführten Downloaddienstes abgewichen und wie wirkt sich diese Abweichung auf die Interoperabilität des Thüringer Downloaddienstes gemäß den nationalen Vorgaben (Verwaltungsvereinbarung GDI-DE) und europäischen Vorgaben aus? 2. Warum wird in dem INSPIRE-Metadatenelement "SpatialDataServiceType" des WFS 2.0 Capabilities- Dokument der Wert "view" verwendet, obwohl es sich um ein Thüringer Downloaddienst handelt? 3. Warum fehlen im Sinne der Daten-Service-Kopplung die Verlinkung der korrespondierenden Metadatensätze für die im oben genannten Downloaddienst aufgeführten Objektklassen (Featuretypes) und wie wirkt sich diese Abweichung auf die Interoperabilität des Thüringer Downloaddienstes gemäß den nationalen und europäischen Vorgaben aus? K l e i n e A n f r a g e des Abgeordneten Krumpe (fraktionslos) und A n t w o r t des Thüringer Ministeriums für Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft 2 Thüringer Landtag - 6. WahlperiodeDrucksache 6/1621 4. Warum wird bei der Operation "GetFeature" des oben genannten WFS 2.0 Downloaddienstes für die Objektklassen "tlvermgeo:ALKIS_GESAMT_FLUR" und "adv:EX_Flurstueck" die Fehlermeldung "Fehlende Berechtigung WFS:* für {}:" ausgegeben, obwohl Frau Ministerin Keller zur Fragestunde am 10. September 2015 die Erreichbarkeit der Katasterparzellen via Downloadservice zusicherte? 5. Warum werden bei einer offensichtlichen Zugangsbeschränkung der unter Frage 4 korrespondierenden Datensätze keine Angaben über Gebühren oder Zugriffsbestimmungen getätigt und inwieweit stehen die fehlenden Angaben im Widerspruch zu den Vorgaben gemäß den GDI-DE Handlungsempfehlungen? 6. Inwieweit korrespondiert der Wert "GDI-TH" des Metadatenelements "AccessConstraints" im WFS-2.0 Capabilities-Dokuments des unter (1) aufgeführten Downloaddienstes mit den GDI-DE Konventionen? 7. Verwendet die Thüringer Landesregierung zur Sicherstellung der Interoperabilität und Qualität der GDI- TH Downloaddienste die GDI-DE Testsuite und falls nicht, mit welchen alternativen Werkzeugen stellt die Landesregierung die Interoperabilität und Qualität ihrer Dienste sicher? 8. Falls die Frage 7 mit Ja beantwortet wurde, welches Ergebnis erzielte die Interoperabilitätsprüfung der GDI-TH Downloaddienste im Jahr 2014 und im Jahr 2015 (bitte Protokolle der Testergebnisse als Anlage beifügen)? 9. Wie schätzt die Landesregierung die Praktikabilität der nicht sprechenden Objektklassennamen (Featuretypes ) des oben genannten Downloaddienstes für die Nachnutzung der Daten seitens europäischer Umweltbehörden ein und wie erfolgt eine eindeutige Zuordnung zu den Datenthemen l-lll der INSPIRE- Richtlinie? 10. Inwieweit ist die Landesregierung der Auffassung, dass der unter (2) genannte Dienst ohne Atom Download-Service-Feed den Interoperabilitätsanforderungen gemäß den INSPIRE-Durchführungsbestimmungen entspricht und wie begründet sie Ihre Auffassung? 11. Inwieweit ist die Landesregierung der Auffassung, dass der unter (2) genannte Dienst ohne beschreibende Metadaten den Interoperabilitätsanforderungen gemäß den INSPIRE Durchführungsbestimmungen entspricht und wie begründet sie ihre Auffassung? 12. Hält die Landesregierung die Art und Weise der Bereitstellung der Orthofotos als Kacheln zu je zwei Quadratkilometer als Einzeldatensätze vor dem Hintergrund einer Nachnutzung dieser Daten seitens europäischer Umweltbehörden für eine praktikable Lösung und wie begründet sie ihre Auffassung? 13. Mit welchen qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen will die Landesregierung zukünftig die Interoperabilität und Qualität der Thüringer Downloaddienste sicherstellen? 14. Ist die Landesregierung der Auffassung, dass die beiden oben genannten Dienste vollständig den technischen Anforderungen der GDI-DE genügen und wenn ja, wie begründet sie ihre Auffassung? Das Thüringer Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft hat die Kleine Anfrage namens der Landesre gierung mit Schreiben vom 14. Januar 2016 wie folgt beantwortet: Zu 1.: Bei dem unter (1) der Vorbemerkungen zur Kleinen Anfrage genannten Downloaddienst wurde von den Vorgaben der OGC-Regelung 09-048r3 abgewichen, da diese Konfiguration von den bisher am Markt gängigen Produkten nicht nutzbar ist. Die OGC-Regelung wird daher bis auf weiteres nur in ausgewählten INS- PIRE-Diensten umgesetzt. Zu 2.: Bei der Verwendung des Wertes "view" handelt es sich um ein Versehen, das korrigiert wurde. Der aktuelle Wert lautet "download". Zu 3.: Bisher wurde ein Downloaddienst WFS 1.1.0 für einzelne Datensätze konfiguriert. Für diese Datensätze funktioniert die Daten-Dienste-Kopplung. Für WFS 2.0 lag nur die Grundkonfiguration, nicht aber die Kon- 3 Drucksache 6/1621Thüringer Landtag - 6. Wahlperiode figuration einzelner Datenbestände für eine Bereitstellung über diesen Dienst vor. Daher waren auch keine Angaben zur Daten-Dienste-Kopplung veröffentlicht. Zu 4.: Bei den angefragten Layern handelt es sich um Datensätze des ALKIS, nicht um den Datensatz Katasterparzellen . Für die ALKIS-Daten gilt eine Zugangsbeschränkung. Die Katasterparzellen werden über einen Downloaddienst WFS 2.0 mit dem Namen "Katasterparzelle" und dem FeatureType "inspirecp:inspire_cp" bereitgestellt. Zu 5.: Die Zugangsbeschränkungen und Angaben zu Gebühren erfolgen in den Metadatensätzen, die die Geodatensätze beschreiben. Da in Thüringen zentrale Geodatendienste bereitstehen und diese grundsätzlich kostenfrei sind, fallen lediglich für die Geodaten, die über diese Dienste bereitgestellt werden, Gebühren an. Diese zusätzlich in den ExtendedConstraints der Capabilities-Dokumente zu beschreiben stellt einen Mehraufwand dar und wird aufgrund der Möglichkeiten der Daten-Dienste-Kopplung nicht als zielführend erachtet. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass dieses Vorgehen mit den GDI-DE Handlungsempfehlungen übereinstimmt. Zu 6.: Da keine Datensätze zur Abgabe über den WFS 2.0 konfiguriert sind, erfolgt im Capabilities-Dokument auch keine weitere Angabe zu den AccessConstraints. Zu 7.: ja Zu 8.: Für WFS Atom Feeds stehen in der GDI-DE Testsuite seit 2014 Testfälle bereit. Diese wurden am 22. August 2014 von der in der GDI-Th eingesetzten Software erfolgreich durchlaufen (siehe Anlagen). Für WFS 2.0 stehen seit Mai 2015 Testfälle bereit. Laut Aussage des für den Betrieb der GDI-DE Testsuite zuständigen Bundesamtes für Geodäsie und Kartographie können die Testfälle nicht fehlerfrei genutzt werden (Stand: 5. Januar 2016). Zu 9.: Konventionen für Objektklassennamen werden derzeit auf nationaler Ebene in den Fachgremien abgestimmt . Die Zuordnung zu den Datenthemen der Richtlinie 2007/2/EG erfolgt in den Metadatensätzen der Geodatensätze anhand festgelegter Schlüsselwörter. Eine Liste der Schlagwörter ist unter http://www.geoportal-th.de/Portals/0/Downloads/Dokumente/Anlage%20zum%20Handbuch%20Geo- MIS-%20INSPIRE%20Schlagw%C3%B6rter.pdf veröffentlicht worden. Zu 10.: Der zu Frage 8 genannte Test des Atom Feeds verlief positiv, daher wird von Interoperabilität ausgegangen. Zu 11.: Es existieren für alle in der GDI-Th angebotenen Downloaddienste beschreibende Metadaten. Zu 12.: Die Abgabe der Digitalen Orthophotos über Atom Feeds in Paketen á vier Quadratkilometer hat sich als praktikable Bereitstellungseinheit erwiesen und ist geübte Praxis. Zu 13.: Durch die Verwendung der GDI-DE Testsuite für die regelmäßige Feststellung der INSPIRE- und der GDI- DE-Konformität von Geodatendiensten der GDI-Th im Rahmen des jährlichen INSPIRE-Monitorings kann auch zukünftig die Anpassung an Fortschreibungen der Standards gewährleistet werden. 4 Thüringer Landtag - 6. WahlperiodeDrucksache 6/1621 Zu 14.: Ja, die Testfälle für Downloaddienste der GDI-DE wurden für Atom Feeds bestanden. Für Downloaddienste werden jeweils nach der Konfiguration von Datenbeständen für die Bereitstellung über diesen Dienst entsprechende Tests in der Testsuite durchgeführt. Bisher liegen keine Beschwerden der Dienstenutzer hinsichtlich der Interoperabilität vor. Keller Ministerin Anlagen*) *) Hinweis: Auf den Abdruck der Anlagen wurde verzichtet. Ein Exemplar mit Anlagen erhielten jeweils die Fraktionen und die Landtagsbibliothek. Des Weiteren können sie im Abgeordneteninformationssystem unter der oben genannten Drucksachennummer sowie im Internet unter der Adresse: www.parldok.thueringen.de eingesehen werden. GDI-DE Testsuite Testbericht Name lgeoows DOP Beschreibung Testklasse Downloaddienste | Download Services: INSPIRE Download Service Atom Implementation Konformitätsklasse Download Service: INSPIRE Recommendations - Predefined Atom (Version 1.0.0 1.4.2014) Getesteter Datensatz/Dienst http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/Service/Service_3940ce6d-a2fc- 44cf-9b30-916f999750ae.xml Ausgeführt am 22.08.2014 11:24:07 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom_rec.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service - recommendations INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.1 A not empty, human readable subtitle for the feed may be given (TG Rec. 1). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.2 The Download Service Feed may contain additional Atom "link" elements to representations of the feed in other formats or languages. The "rel" attribute value should be "alternate" (TG Rec. 2). - Alternate format: application/atom+xml (de) found. INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.3 A feed entry may contain an Atom "rights" element, that should contain information about rights and restrictions, where not inheritable from the main feed level (TG Rec. 3). INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.4 The feed may contain additional Atom "author" elements, with at least a name and an email subelement (TG Rec. 4). INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.5 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry may contain an Atom "summary" element containing an abstract for each dataset feed (TG Rec. 5). INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.7 It is recommended to describe the bounding box of a dataset feed entry using a GeoRSS "polygon" element (or if the geometric extent is a point a GeoRSS "point" element. The extent of the datatset given in the feed should correspond to the extent of "Geographic Bounding Box" given in the correspoding dataset metadata record (TG Rec. 6/7). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntries Testing dataset subfeed - INSPIRE Dataset Feed: Digitale Orthophotos- Bildflug 2010. INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.9 A dataset feed may contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute set to "up" that links (via href attribute) to the parent download feed. The type attribute of that link element should be set to "application/atom+xml" (TG Rec. 9). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.8 A not empty, human readable subtitle for the feed may be given (TG Rec. 8). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 2 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom_rec.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service - recommendations INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.7 It is recommended to describe the bounding box of a dataset feed entry using a GeoRSS "polygon" element (or if the geometric extent is a point a GeoRSS "point" element. The extent of the datatset given in the feed should correspond to the extent of "Geographic Bounding Box" given in the correspoding dataset metadata record (TG Rec. 6/7). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntries Testing dataset subfeed - INSPIRE Dataset Feed: Digitale Orthophotos- Bildflug 2008. INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.9 A dataset feed may contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute set to "up" that links (via href attribute) to the parent download feed. The type attribute of that link element should be set to "application/atom+xml" (TG Rec. 9). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.8 A not empty, human readable subtitle for the feed may be given (TG Rec. 8). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 10 If the dataset is delivered in several downloads, a "bbox" attribute may be used to describe the spatial extent of that particular file. The value of the attribute should be structured according the georss:bbox structure. Similarly, if the dataset is split on a temporal basis, a "time" attribute may used to describe the temporal extentof that particular file (TG Rec. 10/11). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 10 If the dataset is delivered in several downloads, a "bbox" attribute may be used to describe the spatial extent of that particular file. The value of the attribute should be structured according the georss:bbox structure. Similarly, if the dataset is split on a temporal basis, a "time" attribute may used to describe the temporal extentof that particular file (TG Rec. 10/11). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 3 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom_rec.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service - recommendations INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.7 It is recommended to describe the bounding box of a dataset feed entry using a GeoRSS "polygon" element (or if the geometric extent is a point a GeoRSS "point" element. The extent of the datatset given in the feed should correspond to the extent of "Geographic Bounding Box" given in the correspoding dataset metadata record (TG Rec. 6/7). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 4 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Herausgeber Koordinierungsstelle Geodateninfrastruktur Deutschland (Kst. GDI-DE) Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 60598 Frankfurt am Main Kontakt: Kst. GDI-DE mail@gdi-de.org 22.08.2014 11:24:07 5 GDI-DE Testsuite Testbericht Name lgeoows DOP Beschreibung Testklasse Downloaddienste | Download Services: INSPIRE Download Service Atom Implementation Konformitätsklasse Download Service: INSPIRE Requirements - Predefined Atom (Version 1.0.2 27.5.2014) Getesteter Datensatz/Dienst http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/Service/Service_3940ce6d-a2fc- 44cf-9b30-916f999750ae.xml Ausgeführt am 22.08.2014 11:24:07 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Ge tDownloadService Metadata.Atom.5. 2 The response from the Download Service to a Get Download Service Metadata Request will be the Atom feed which includes the download service INSPIRE metadata, operations metadata, response and supported languages, spatial data sets metadata and their corresponding CRS. All Atom feeds (and entries in feeds) shall conform to all the requirements in the [ATOM] / [GeoRSS] / [OpenSearch] specifications. - The service feed is valid. INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.5 A not empty title for identifying the feed must be given (TG Req. 5). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.6 The Download Service Feed shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "describedby" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/xml" or "application/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdRes ponse_xml". The value of the "href" attribute has to be a valid HTTP- Get URL to a valid Download Service Metadata record. (TG Req. 6). - Linked download service metadata record found (10cbd9e4-8a84-4771-8ed1-a3cf66a01766) INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.7 The Download Service Feed shall contain an Atom "link" element whose "rel" attribute value shall be "self" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/atom+xml". The value of the href attribute shall contain the HTTP URI of the feed document itself (TG Req. 7). - (http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/Service/Service_3940ce6d-a2fc-44cf-9b30- 916f999750ae.xml) . INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.8 The Download Service Feed shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "search" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/opensearchdescription+xml" ;. The value of the "href" attribute has to be a valid HTTP-Get URL to a valid OpenSearch description document. (TG Req. 8). - The service feed is valid. 22.08.2014 11:24:07 2 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.9 A /feed/id element has to be provided, that is identical to the /feed/link[@rel=";self";] reference (TG Req. 9). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.10 The feed shall contain an Atom "rights" element, that should contain information about rights and restrictions (TG Req. 10). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.11 The feed shall contain an Atom "updated" element, that contains date, time and timezone of the last update of the feed. (TG Req. 11). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.12 The feed shall contain an Atom "author" element, with at least a name and an email subelement (TG Req. 12). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.13 Each pre-defined dataset shall be included as an entry element. Each entry shall contain a "spatial_dataset_identifier_code" and a "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace" , which together build the spatial dataset unique resource identifier (TG Req. 13). - Download service entry for spatial dataset unique resource identifier: http://wwww.geoproxy.geoportalth .de#b96d578d-439b-4ae3-b0dd-fbdc48a39ccb. - Download service entry for spatial dataset unique resource identifier: http://wwww.geoproxy.geoportalth .de#b96d578d-439b-4ae3-b0dd-fbdc48a39ccc. INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.14 Each pre-defined dataset shall be included as an entry element. Each entry shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "describedby" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/xml" (or "application/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdRes ponse_xml"). The value of the "href" attribute has to be a valid HTTP- Get URL to a valid Dataset Metadata record. (TG Req. 14). - Coupled dataset record found (3940ce6d-a2fc-44cf- 9b30-916f999750ae) - Coupled dataset record found (3940ce6d-a2fc-44cf- 9b30-916f999750ae) INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.15 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/atom+xml" (TG Req. 15). - Dataset feed entry link found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccb.xml - Dataset feed entry link found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccc.xml 22.08.2014 11:24:07 3 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.17 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "id" element containing an identifier for each feed. (TG Req. 17). - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccb.xml - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccc.xml INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.18 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "title" element containing a human readable title. (TG Req. 18). - Dataset feed entry title found: Digitale Orthophotos- Bildflug 2008 - Dataset feed entry title found: Digitale Orthophotos- Bildflug 2010 INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.19 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "updated" element containing date, time and timezone at which the feed entry was last updated (TG Req. 19). - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-08- 19T15:29:47+02:00 - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-06- 27T19:36:02+02:00 INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.20 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for each CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is available. (TG Req. 20). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 2583 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25832) - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 2583 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25832) INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntries Testing dataset subfeed - INSPIRE Dataset Feed: Digitale Orthophotos- Bildflug 2010. INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.17 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "id" element containing an identifier for each feed. (TG Req. 17). - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccc/Entry/Entry_FD5FD633-896F- 7E47-E043-3D3A73C25009 - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccc/Entry/Entry_FD5FD633-8970- 7E47-E043-3D3A73C25009 INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.18 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "title" element containing a human readable title. (TG Req. 18). - Dataset feed entry title found: PNG #EPSG:25832 (image/png) - Dataset feed entry title found: PNG #EPSG:31468 (image/png) 22.08.2014 11:24:07 4 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.19 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "updated" element containing date, time and timezone at which the feed entry was last updated (TG Req. 19). - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-06- 30T17:54:01+02:00 - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-06- 30T17:54:00+02:00 INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.21 Each pre-defined dataset feed shall contain a not empty title for identifying the feed (TG Req. 21). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.22 A /feed/id element has to be provided, that is identical to the /feed/link[@rel=";self";] reference (TG Req. 22). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.23 The feed shall contain an Atom "rights" element, that should contain information about rights and restrictions (TG Req. 23). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.24 The feed shall contain an Atom "updated" element, that contains date, time and timezone of the last update of the feed. (TG Req. 24). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.25 The feed shall contain an Atom "author" element, with at least a name and an email subelement (TG Req. 25). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.28 For each spatial object type in the donwload dataset, the feed shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute set to "describedby" that links (via href attribute) to the spatail object type definition in the INSPIRE registry. A dataset not interoperable to the data specifications can use a local scheme to identify the spatial objects (TG Req. 28). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 5 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 29 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element that links to the predefined dataset file(s) described by the entry. The value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" if the dataset is delivered in one single donwload or "section" if the dataset is split into several downloads. The value of the "type" attribute shall indicate the media type of the download. The value of the "length" attribute shall provide the size of the download in bytes. The "hreflang" attribute shall be used to indicate the language resp. alternative languages of the target dataset (TG Req. 29/30/31/32/33/34). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 35 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for the CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is provided (TG Req. 35). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 31468 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31468) INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 29 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element that links to the predefined dataset file(s) described by the entry. The value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" if the dataset is delivered in one single donwload or "section" if the dataset is split into several downloads. The value of the "type" attribute shall indicate the media type of the download. The value of the "length" attribute shall provide the size of the download in bytes. The "hreflang" attribute shall be used to indicate the language resp. alternative languages of the target dataset (TG Req. 29/30/31/32/33/34). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 35 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for the CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is provided (TG Req. 35). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 25832 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25832) 22.08.2014 11:24:07 6 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntries Testing dataset subfeed - INSPIRE Dataset Feed: Digitale Orthophotos- Bildflug 2008. INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.17 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "id" element containing an identifier for each feed. (TG Req. 17). - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccb/Entry/Entry_FD5FD633-896C- 7E47-E043-3D3A73C25009 - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_b96d578d-439b-4ae3- b0dd-fbdc48a39ccb/Entry/Entry_FD5FD633-896D- 7E47-E043-3D3A73C25009 INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.18 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "title" element containing a human readable title. (TG Req. 18). - Dataset feed entry title found: PNG #EPSG:25832 (image/png) - Dataset feed entry title found: PNG #EPSG:31468 (image/png) INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.19 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "updated" element containing date, time and timezone at which the feed entry was last updated (TG Req. 19). - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-06- 30T17:54:02+02:00 - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-06- 30T17:54:20+02:00 INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.21 Each pre-defined dataset feed shall contain a not empty title for identifying the feed (TG Req. 21). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.22 A /feed/id element has to be provided, that is identical to the /feed/link[@rel=";self";] reference (TG Req. 22). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.23 The feed shall contain an Atom "rights" element, that should contain information about rights and restrictions (TG Req. 23). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.24 The feed shall contain an Atom "updated" element, that contains date, time and timezone of the last update of the feed. (TG Req. 24). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 7 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.25 The feed shall contain an Atom "author" element, with at least a name and an email subelement (TG Req. 25). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.28 For each spatial object type in the donwload dataset, the feed shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute set to "describedby" that links (via href attribute) to the spatail object type definition in the INSPIRE registry. A dataset not interoperable to the data specifications can use a local scheme to identify the spatial objects (TG Req. 28). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 29 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element that links to the predefined dataset file(s) described by the entry. The value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" if the dataset is delivered in one single donwload or "section" if the dataset is split into several downloads. The value of the "type" attribute shall indicate the media type of the download. The value of the "length" attribute shall provide the size of the download in bytes. The "hreflang" attribute shall be used to indicate the language resp. alternative languages of the target dataset (TG Req. 29/30/31/32/33/34). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 35 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for the CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is provided (TG Req. 35). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 31468 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/31468) 22.08.2014 11:24:07 8 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 29 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element that links to the predefined dataset file(s) described by the entry. The value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" if the dataset is delivered in one single donwload or "section" if the dataset is split into several downloads. The value of the "type" attribute shall indicate the media type of the download. The value of the "length" attribute shall provide the size of the download in bytes. The "hreflang" attribute shall be used to indicate the language resp. alternative languages of the target dataset (TG Req. 29/30/31/32/33/34). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 35 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for the CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is provided (TG Req. 35). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 25832 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25832) INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on Testing the OpenSearchDescription document. INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.40 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element whose "rel" attribute value shall be "self" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/opensearchdescription+xml& #34;. The value of the href attribute shall contain the HTTP URI of the description document itself (TG Req. 40). INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.41 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element whose "rel" attribute value shall be "results" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "text/html". The value of the "template" attribute shall contain a generic URL search template (TG Req. 41). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 9 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.42 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element, that describes a template URL for the "Describe Spatial Dataset" operation, accepting the "spatial_dataset_identifier_code"&# 44; "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace&# 34; and "language" parameters. The "rel" attribute value shall be "describedby" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/atom+xml". The value of the "template" attribute shall contain a generic URL search template (TG Req. 42). INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.43 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element, that describes a template URL for the "Get Spatial Dataset" operation, accepting the "spatial_dataset_identifier_code"&# 44; "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace&# 34;, "crs" and "language" parameters. The "rel" attribute value shall be "results" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be a valid media-type. The value of the "template" attribute shall contain a generic URL search template (TG Req. 43). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 10 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.44 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "query" element for each downloadable dataset. The "role" attribute value shall be "example", the attributes "spatial_dataset_identifier_code" and "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace&# 34; attributes together shall contain the unique spatial dataset identifier and the value of the "crs" and "language" attributes shall be set to the values considered as the default ones by the service provider (TG Req. 44). INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.45 The OpenSearch description document shall contain a collection of supported languages (TG Req. 45). 22.08.2014 11:24:07 11 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows DOP Herausgeber Koordinierungsstelle Geodateninfrastruktur Deutschland (Kst. GDI-DE) Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 60598 Frankfurt am Main Kontakt: Kst. GDI-DE mail@gdi-de.org 22.08.2014 11:24:07 12 GDI-DE Testsuite Testbericht Name lgeoows Kataster Service Beschreibung Testklasse Downloaddienste | Download Services: INSPIRE Download Service Atom Implementation Konformitätsklasse Download Service: INSPIRE Recommendations - Predefined Atom (Version 1.0.0 1.4.2014) Getesteter Datensatz/Dienst http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/Service/Service_33c5e445-e8eb- 426b-a174-d77284d76dc9.xml Ausgeführt am 21.08.2014 15:20:27 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom_rec.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service - recommendations INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.1 A not empty, human readable subtitle for the feed may be given (TG Rec. 1). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.2 The Download Service Feed may contain additional Atom "link" elements to representations of the feed in other formats or languages. The "rel" attribute value should be "alternate" (TG Rec. 2). - Alternate format: application/atom+xml (de) found. INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.3 A feed entry may contain an Atom "rights" element, that should contain information about rights and restrictions, where not inheritable from the main feed level (TG Rec. 3). INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.4 The feed may contain additional Atom "author" elements, with at least a name and an email subelement (TG Rec. 4). INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.5 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry may contain an Atom "summary" element containing an abstract for each dataset feed (TG Rec. 5). INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.7 It is recommended to describe the bounding box of a dataset feed entry using a GeoRSS "polygon" element (or if the geometric extent is a point a GeoRSS "point" element. The extent of the datatset given in the feed should correspond to the extent of "Geographic Bounding Box" given in the correspoding dataset metadata record (TG Rec. 6/7). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntries Testing dataset subfeed - INSPIRE Dataset Feed: Katasterparzelle. INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.9 A dataset feed may contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute set to "up" that links (via href attribute) to the parent download feed. The type attribute of that link element should be set to "application/atom+xml" (TG Rec. 9). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.8 A not empty, human readable subtitle for the feed may be given (TG Rec. 8). 21.08.2014 15:20:27 2 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom_rec.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service - recommendations INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.7 It is recommended to describe the bounding box of a dataset feed entry using a GeoRSS "polygon" element (or if the geometric extent is a point a GeoRSS "point" element. The extent of the datatset given in the feed should correspond to the extent of "Geographic Bounding Box" given in the correspoding dataset metadata record (TG Rec. 6/7). 21.08.2014 15:20:27 3 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Herausgeber Koordinierungsstelle Geodateninfrastruktur Deutschland (Kst. GDI-DE) Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 60598 Frankfurt am Main Kontakt: Kst. GDI-DE mail@gdi-de.org 21.08.2014 15:20:27 4 GDI-DE Testsuite Testbericht Name lgeoows Kataster Service Beschreibung Testklasse Downloaddienste | Download Services: INSPIRE Download Service Atom Implementation Konformitätsklasse Download Service: INSPIRE Requirements - Predefined Atom (Version 1.0.2 27.5.2014) Getesteter Datensatz/Dienst http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/Service/Service_33c5e445-e8eb- 426b-a174-d77284d76dc9.xml Ausgeführt am 21.08.2014 15:12:53 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Ge tDownloadService Metadata.Atom.5. 2 The response from the Download Service to a Get Download Service Metadata Request will be the Atom feed which includes the download service INSPIRE metadata, operations metadata, response and supported languages, spatial data sets metadata and their corresponding CRS. All Atom feeds (and entries in feeds) shall conform to all the requirements in the [ATOM] / [GeoRSS] / [OpenSearch] specifications. - The service feed is valid. INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.5 A not empty title for identifying the feed must be given (TG Req. 5). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.6 The Download Service Feed shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "describedby" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/xml" or "application/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdRes ponse_xml". The value of the "href" attribute has to be a valid HTTP- Get URL to a valid Download Service Metadata record. (TG Req. 6). - Linked download service metadata record found (d9804083-023f-4169-b2fe-3a6c3f3815b8) INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.7 The Download Service Feed shall contain an Atom "link" element whose "rel" attribute value shall be "self" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/atom+xml". The value of the href attribute shall contain the HTTP URI of the feed document itself (TG Req. 7). - (http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/Service/Service_33c5e445-e8eb-426b-a174- d77284d76dc9.xml) . INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.8 The Download Service Feed shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "search" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/opensearchdescription+xml" ;. The value of the "href" attribute has to be a valid HTTP-Get URL to a valid OpenSearch description document. (TG Req. 8). - The service feed is valid. 21.08.2014 15:12:53 2 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.9 A /feed/id element has to be provided, that is identical to the /feed/link[@rel=";self";] reference (TG Req. 9). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.10 The feed shall contain an Atom "rights" element, that should contain information about rights and restrictions (TG Req. 10). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.11 The feed shall contain an Atom "updated" element, that contains date, time and timezone of the last update of the feed. (TG Req. 11). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee d.5.12 The feed shall contain an Atom "author" element, with at least a name and an email subelement (TG Req. 12). INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.13 Each pre-defined dataset shall be included as an entry element. Each entry shall contain a "spatial_dataset_identifier_code" and a "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace" , which together build the spatial dataset unique resource identifier (TG Req. 13). - Download service entry for spatial dataset unique resource identifier: http://wwww.geoproxy.geoportalth .de#0fe95724-6a09-47d3-afcb-d31d14a72598. INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.14 Each pre-defined dataset shall be included as an entry element. Each entry shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "describedby" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/xml" (or "application/vnd.ogc.csw.GetRecordByIdRes ponse_xml"). The value of the "href" attribute has to be a valid HTTP- Get URL to a valid Dataset Metadata record. (TG Req. 14). - Coupled dataset record found (0fe95724-6a09- 47d3-afcb-d31d14a72598) INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.15 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/atom+xml" (TG Req. 15). - Dataset feed entry link found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_0fe95724-6a09-47d3-afcbd 31d14a72598.xml 21.08.2014 15:12:53 3 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.17 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "id" element containing an identifier for each feed. (TG Req. 17). - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_0fe95724-6a09-47d3-afcbd 31d14a72598.xml INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.18 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "title" element containing a human readable title. (TG Req. 18). - Dataset feed entry title found: Katasterparzelle INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.19 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "updated" element containing date, time and timezone at which the feed entry was last updated (TG Req. 19). - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-07- 02T12:12:30+02:00 INSPIRE_DLS.Do wnloadServiceFee dEntries.5.20 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for each CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is available. (TG Req. 20). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 2583 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25832) INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntries Testing dataset subfeed - INSPIRE Dataset Feed: Katasterparzelle. INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.17 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "id" element containing an identifier for each feed. (TG Req. 17). - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_0fe95724-6a09-47d3-afcbd 31d14a72598/Entry/Entry_FD5FD633-8971-7E47- E043-3D3A73C25009 - Dataset feed entry id found: http://lgeoows.werne.grit.de/inspiredl /atom/DataSet/DataSet_0fe95724-6a09-47d3-afcbd 31d14a72598/Entry/Entry_FD5FD633-896E-7E47- E043-3D3A73C25009 INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.18 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "title" element containing a human readable title. (TG Req. 18). - Dataset feed entry title found: GML/3.2.1 #EPSG:25832 (application/gml+xml) - Dataset feed entry title found: Shapefile #EPSG:25832 (application/x-shapefile) INSPIRE_DLS.Fe edEntries.5.19 Each pre-defined dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "updated" element containing date, time and timezone at which the feed entry was last updated (TG Req. 19). - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-07- 02T13:43:07+02:00 - Dataset feed entry update date: 2014-07- 02T13:43:03+02:00 INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.21 Each pre-defined dataset feed shall contain a not empty title for identifying the feed (TG Req. 21). 21.08.2014 15:12:53 4 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.22 A /feed/id element has to be provided, that is identical to the /feed/link[@rel=";self";] reference (TG Req. 22). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.23 The feed shall contain an Atom "rights" element, that should contain information about rights and restrictions (TG Req. 23). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.24 The feed shall contain an Atom "updated" element, that contains date, time and timezone of the last update of the feed. (TG Req. 24). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.25 The feed shall contain an Atom "author" element, with at least a name and an email subelement (TG Req. 25). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeed.5.28 For each spatial object type in the donwload dataset, the feed shall contain an Atom "link" element with the value of the "rel" attribute set to "describedby" that links (via href attribute) to the spatail object type definition in the INSPIRE registry. A dataset not interoperable to the data specifications can use a local scheme to identify the spatial objects (TG Req. 28). 21.08.2014 15:12:53 5 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 29 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element that links to the predefined dataset file(s) described by the entry. The value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" if the dataset is delivered in one single donwload or "section" if the dataset is split into several downloads. The value of the "type" attribute shall indicate the media type of the download. The value of the "length" attribute shall provide the size of the download in bytes. The "hreflang" attribute shall be used to indicate the language resp. alternative languages of the target dataset (TG Req. 29/30/31/32/33/34). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 35 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for the CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is provided (TG Req. 35). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 25832 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25832) INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 29 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "link" element that links to the predefined dataset file(s) described by the entry. The value of the "rel" attribute shall be "alternate" if the dataset is delivered in one single donwload or "section" if the dataset is split into several downloads. The value of the "type" attribute shall indicate the media type of the download. The value of the "length" attribute shall provide the size of the download in bytes. The "hreflang" attribute shall be used to indicate the language resp. alternative languages of the target dataset (TG Req. 29/30/31/32/33/34). INSPIRE_DLS.Da tasetFeedEntry.5. 35 Each dataset feed entry shall contain an Atom "category" element for the CRS in which the pre-defined dataset is provided (TG Req. 35). - Dataset feed entry crs: EPSG 25832 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25832) INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on Testing the OpenSearchDescription document. 21.08.2014 15:12:53 6 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.40 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element whose "rel" attribute value shall be "self" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/opensearchdescription+xml& #34;. The value of the href attribute shall contain the HTTP URI of the description document itself (TG Req. 40). INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.41 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element whose "rel" attribute value shall be "results" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "text/html". The value of the "template" attribute shall contain a generic URL search template (TG Req. 41). INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.42 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element, that describes a template URL for the "Describe Spatial Dataset" operation, accepting the "spatial_dataset_identifier_code"&# 44; "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace&# 34; and "language" parameters. The "rel" attribute value shall be "describedby" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be "application/atom+xml". The value of the "template" attribute shall contain a generic URL search template (TG Req. 42). 21.08.2014 15:12:53 7 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Name Anforderung Meldung atom.start Testing INSPIRE Atom-based predefined download service INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.43 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "Url" element, that describes a template URL for the "Get Spatial Dataset" operation, accepting the "spatial_dataset_identifier_code"&# 44; "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace&# 34;, "crs" and "language" parameters. The "rel" attribute value shall be "results" and the value of the "type" attribute shall be a valid media-type. The value of the "template" attribute shall contain a generic URL search template (TG Req. 43). INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.44 The OpenSearch description document shall contain an OpenSearch "query" element for each downloadable dataset. The "role" attribute value shall be "example", the attributes "spatial_dataset_identifier_code" and "spatial_dataset_identifier_namespace&# 34; attributes together shall contain the unique spatial dataset identifier and the value of the "crs" and "language" attributes shall be set to the values considered as the default ones by the service provider (TG Req. 44). INSPIRE_DLS.Op ensearchDescripti on.5.45 The OpenSearch description document shall contain a collection of supported languages (TG Req. 45). 21.08.2014 15:12:53 8 GDI-DE Testsuite – Testbericht für Test lgeoows Kataster Service Herausgeber Koordinierungsstelle Geodateninfrastruktur Deutschland (Kst. GDI-DE) Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11 60598 Frankfurt am Main Kontakt: Kst. GDI-DE mail@gdi-de.org 21.08.2014 15:12:53 9